Saturday, December 25, 2010

Why India?

Merry Christmas, everyone!  As I count down the final...wait for it...HOURS until my flight leaves, I should take a few minutes to fulfill a promise from the last post and finally explain why in the world I would ever consider study abroad in India.  Many people have asked my why I would choose India because, well, it's not the normal study abroad choice.  Generally, people would expect me to go to one of my intended destinations as of two years ago: Ireland (I'm half Irish) and France (I speak French).  But India is not a random throw towards a dartboard.  Let's see if these few reasons explain well enough.

Service:  This program has a service component at the Loreto Day School in Kolkata.  If you happen to know my reasons for planning to be a teacher, the school's website will probably explain everything.  This school serves about 1400 students, half of whom cannot afford to pay the tuition that most English language schools require.  It also houses homeless children and teaches teachers of rural communities.  I have been eager to see the school since its principal, Sr. Cyril Mooney, visited St. John's two years ago.  Now, I can't wait to provide service in such a phenomenal educational establishment.

Culture:  Yes, pretty much every study abroad experience would offer opportunities to learn about a culture very different from the culture present in Minnesota.  However, I feel that the India program offers something extra.  India is quite different from America, a fact that I have heard will be obvious from the moment I leave the airport.  In addition, direct enrollment in a class at the college, living in a local family, and participating in the service component will force me to experience these cultural differences in almost everything I do.

Different:  Okay, this one is a bit self-serving, but the fact that India is different was actually a draw.  After all, I will get to Ireland and France sometime.  They are relatively easy places to visit, and I have dreamt of travelling there for years.  India is not necessarily as simple to visit for a vacation.  In addition, think of what India can do for me as a teacher.  While many geography and world history teachers only know what the textbook says about India, I will be able to bring the subject to life for my students with personal stories, pictures, and a greater understanding of the subject.

I could probably explain this subject for another few thousand words, but I must end for two reasons.  First, I do not wish to extend blog posts too long and this one has already become quite lengthy.  Second, I should probably try to sleep before it becomes too long after midnight.  At this point, I am almost entirely packed.  I just need sleep, Sunday mass, and a few last-minute packing changes (I think I'll bring one less pair of jeans than my bag currently holds) before I head to the airport around one in the afternoon.  Ready or not, I'll be in India tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Welcome to my India blog.  As you likely know, I will leave the cold Minnesota winter on December 26 to begin a semester in Kolkata/Calcutta, India (I'll explain the name difference in a later post).  This will be a remarkable opportunity for me to learn about a culture very different from the United States and to learn for the first time what it is like to be a minority.  This specific study abroad experience will include twelve students and one faculty member, all from my college.  Our faculty member, Madhu Mitra, grew up in Calcutta, which makes her the perfect leader for the trip.  This is especially true because this is the first time my college has ever sent students to India for an entire semester.  Mom hates to hear this, but we will be quite truly guinea pigs in many ways.

The trip itself should be the experience of a lifetime.  We will begin with a short bout of travelling in "The Golden Triangle" of India.  We will explore Delhi, go on a camel safari in Rajasthan, and see the Taj Mahal.  Then, we will travel for Kolkata in West Bengal.  While in Kolkata, we will live in host families.  We will study at St. Xavier's College, taking three courses with the group and one course separate from the group with other students at the college.  We will also complete a service component at the Loreto Day School, which I am excited to begin.

Of course, I could easily continue to explain plans for pages, but neither you nor I have the time for me to do so.  Therefore, I will conclude by explaining this blog a bit more.  This blog should be quite simply the easiest way for me to share my experience with the many people who have expressed interest in updates.  I will try to post about once a week or so, depending on when I have the time and inspiration to share my thoughts.  I welcome any comments or questions you wish to share and will try to respond accordingly.  But for now, thank you for visiting my blog.  I plan to send at least one update before the trip begins to give a brief answer to the question I have faced so very many times: "Why India?"